
Rapid impact behaviour change solution for SMEs funded by Innovate UK

Written by ThinkCyber | Sep 13, 2023 3:21:10 PM

Security behaviour change start-up ThinkCyber have won an Innovate UK business disruption grant to configure their uniquely real-time security awareness software, Redflags™, for use by SMEs – including a freemium offering.

The grant project will focus on the emerging and increasing needs of SMEs – during and following the Covid-19 pandemic – to communicate with and educate employees, in order to rapidly change business practices (e.g. to align with remote working, transitions back into the office, stop-start lockdown measures, and associated business threats).

Computer-based tools currently available are not fit for this purpose. They tend to offer ‘once-a-year’ rhythm, require long periods of engagement and are simply not up to the significant changes in work patterns, and rapid need to do things differently, currently being experienced.

ThinkCyber proposed to deliver immediate impact, solving this problem by focusing their cyber-security behavioural change platform, towards SMEs, aligning content with their needs, reducing barriers to adoption, increasing self-service configuration and allowing immediate impact through a Freemium delivery model.

“Innovate UK recognised the disruptive nature of our innovation, drip fed and real-time delivery at opportune moments, and our ability to deliver rapidly and with impact”, said CEO Tim Ward

The Innovate UK Fast Start Competition was launched in April in response to the outbreak and is being managed by Innovate UK. More information and the Government press release can be found here.